Review: Orange Twirl – The New Limited Edition Cadbury Twirl

Cadbury Chocolate Orange Twirl

Stop what you are doing the Cadbury Orange Twirl is not a myth! It has been some mission including friend’s, family and my fabulous work colleagues, and we were all thinking that this was some kind of Cadbury game plan! However after searching for well over a week, which included so many shops we lost count, the hunt is finally over.

I cannot deny I bought A LOT of them. They were released on the 23rd September in selected stores across the country. The nation has struggled to find them, and Cadbury’s have since released that they will also be available in Co-op, Morrisons and Spar nationwide from next week. 

These beauties were on the shelves of Co-Op and it was a relatively small one so I would get checking your local one too. They are 75p each, or 2 for £1. 

Cadbury Orange Twirl Limited EditionPer Finger – 114 kcal, 3.6g sat fat, 12g sugars, 2g protein

If you hadn’t guessed everything is the same as a standard Twirl, except some great person had the genius idea to give us chocolate orange (give them a promotion right now)! The snap is there, the iconic ribbony twirl is in the middle, and the smell of orange upon opening the packet was enticing. I do find Twirls generally melt in the mouth much better than other Cadbury bars, and this was exactly the same. You are hard pushed to get a better combination than chocolate orange, and here the flavour was joyful and perfect.

The Cadbury Orange Twirl is literally everything you could wish for, and so much more. It is not often expectations are met, or even exceeded, but here they are. Frankly these are amazing and you need one! Dare I say they are better than a Terry’s Chocolate Orange ….

Cadbury hasn’t given an official timeline on how long these are going to be around, and all I can say is go and get them quick, and stock up!! I know I will be! 

Have you managed to get your hands on the Cadbury Orange Twirl yet? Let me know what you think of them! 

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbes x

Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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  1. Fayaz
    22nd January 2020 / 8:48 pm

    They taste great, shame you can’t get them anywhere, Cadbury need to mass produce these to increase their sales turnover , it’s obvious!

    • Nibbles 'n' Scribbles
      24th January 2020 / 9:15 am

      You’re not wrong there!! I would not be surprised if they turn up again for Easter.

  2. 10th October 2019 / 6:51 am

    I’m ridiculously excited to try these (once i can find one!) I’ll probably end up doing like you and buying a load of them! Love!

    • Nibbles 'n' Scribbles
      10th October 2019 / 5:42 pm

      Eeeek. I hope you find them too. If you love chocolate orange this is a sure winner! You have to buy more than one, you won’t regret it!!!! x

  3. Anon873
    5th October 2019 / 7:09 pm

    They don’t taste like orange flavour hardly! Maybe just been sprayed withh the vapour off an orange segment slightly! Wish i hadnt been so hellbent on finding them now

    • Hannah
      19th December 2019 / 9:12 am

      I agree! Was so disappointed with these – I thought they were like a chocolate orange for people who don’t actually like orange 🙁

    • Tariq
      10th September 2020 / 3:14 pm

      I have been waiting to try the orange twirl finally I have got hold of it from tesco and I love it the orange flavour is great . hope they are continued people will love them ..

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