M&S Lemon Meringue Yumnuts

The new desserts have well and truly been hitting up the shelves of M&S, and here we have the M&S Lemon Meringue Yumnuts. I am still somewhat in a haze of chocolatey delight with the Jaffa Cheesecake slices but in the spirit of summer and freshening up desserts we have pastry, lemon and cream delights on the menu today. Ordinarily when you think of a yumnut it is more of threesies treat than a dessert. You can purchase these in M&S stores or online at Ocado and are one of three new yumnut varieties to choose from. These butter enriched…

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Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream Cake

The classic ice cream dessert that is Vienetta has had a baby dupe and bestowed upon us the Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream Cake. It is a dreamy combination with ribbons of dairy ice cream and Lotus Biscoff crunchy biscuits AND spread. Hello! This beaut of a dessert is available from Tesco only (that I can find) and comes in at £3.75 a pop. The ratio has so kindly been split as follows 78% Caramelised Biscuit Dairy Ice Cream with 11% Caramelised Biscuit Spread, 10% Chocolate Flavoured Layers and 1% Caramelised Biscuit Crumble. With it’s beautifully formed layers and swirls you…

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Munchies Cookie Dough Ice Cream

When someone says Cookie Dough Ice Cream there is no denying the mind goes straight to a tub of Ben & Jerry’s. Well not today because chocolate has got an upgrade in the form of Munchies Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Nestle have already given us Cookie Dough Munchies and theyhave seemingly decided to give it a little twist. You can pick these up in most supermarkets and are £1.50 a pop. It also looks like Nestle hasn’t stopped with just these and has also given an ice cream makeover to Aero Bubbles and Milkybar Buttons *. Each little cube combines…

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Cadbury Orange Mini Eggs

The chocolate orange trend doesn’t look to be going anywhere anytime soon. Given Easter is almost around the corner, I think it is about time we unleash the Cadbury Orange Mini Eggs! As ever Christmas was barely over and the Easter goods had hit supermarket shelves. The release of these Orange Mini Eggs was quiet and I must confess I first got a bag in January… These only come in 80g bags and you can pick them up in Tesco. Interesting not as vibrantly orange as I imagined, although if they do get a little wet they turn luminous orange.…

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M&S Loaded Jaffa Cheesecake Wedges

These M&S Loaded Jaffa Cheesecake Wedges have been out for a while but I thought it was about time I give them a whirl. You can buy these singularly or it is worth checking if it is part of the dine in for £12. Each pack contains two wedges and promises to deliver a chocolate cheesecake with tangy orange sauce topping and chocolate brownie chunks. For a cheesecake it is all about the base for me. If you have a naff biscuity base then you aren’t onto a winning cheesecake. Here we have a seriously crumbly chocolatey base that is rich…

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