Guest Post: Ingenious Ways to Make Your Favourite Food Healthy

Ingenious Ways to Make Your Favourite Food Healthy

Hello Monday, and what better way to start the week than with a guest post from The Nut Butter Hub – glorious name if I do say so myself. The Nut Butter Hub is a lifestyle site with some fabulous recipes and if you hadn’t already guessed, they are also massive fans of Nut Butter too! For today’s post The Nut Butter Hub has put together some ingenious ways to make some of our favourite foods, that little bit better for us. 

Can’t give up some bad habits? Do you love a sneaky fizzy drink or do you get the tub of ice-cream out for one scoop (and finish it all in one night, standard)? Well what if you could still enjoy them, guilt-free? You just have to be a little inventive and make some small changes. Have you ever tried frozen banana in the blender? Well it is a game changer, tastes exactly like ice-cream! You’re going to learn to make some simple changes that will have you eating healthy in no time.

Your Favourite Food Healthy|| Image ||

Make a Condiment The Star!

Making your own condiments can be an excellent way to give your meals a flavour boost. Have you tried  making your own pesto? You can to add to pasta, or as a yummy coasting for chicken.

Are you a fan of that creamy butter? Avocado is a great to spread on toast or a flatbread and is has a similar texture to butter. You can also try making your own hummus, salad dressing or salsa. It is super simply and healthy way of adding some flavour to less than exciting meals.

Vegan Pumpkin Mac n Cheese|| Image ||

You Don’t Have to Give Up Mac and Cheese

If your eyes lit up at that picture then you are not alone. How good does that look? Would you believe me if I said it was not only cheesey but also Vegan? Well believe it because this Pumpkin Mac ‘n’ Cheese is exactly that.

If you fancy sticking more on the traditional side of things then the only thing really missing is the colour. Not only does adding turmeric to your mac and cheese sauce look good it is also beneficial to your health. Turmeric fights inflammation in the body and adds a delicious colour to it.

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DIY Pizza

If a pizza is what you and the family crave then why not make it from scratch at home? All you need to do is make your own pizza dough and just make some changes to topping.

So how do you get started? Try this easy peasy homemade pizza dough *spoiler this dough doesn’t need to rise* spread it out on a baking pan that has been properly floured – brush the pizza dough with some extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle on your smoked veggies as well as a moderate amount of your favourite low fat cheese. (If you’re feeling a little fancy, feel free to mix some black pepper and some of your favourite spices in with your veggies beforehand!)

To really add some flavour to your pizza whip up some smoked veggies. Putting the veggies in a gas smoker or using smoking chips will ensure you don’t have to load up on cheese or fatty meats to add flavour. Try using aubergine or mushroom as they hold a lot of flavour and texture.

Want a Sweet Alternative?

Homemade baked apple chips are also a great alternative!

Thinly slice your apples and leave them to soak in a bowl of salt water for a few minutes. (This will prevent them from oxidizing!) Lightly rinse the apple slices before patting them dry with a kitchen paper towel and placing them in the oven to bake until crispy!

Baked Sweet Potato Fries || Image ||

Don’t Step Away From The French Fries

The next time you want fries try baking them instead of deep frying them litres of oil. When at home try tossing your sweet potato wedges in a bag with olive oil and cornflour. This coating with ensure you get a crispy oven chip every time. You can also try using a healthy oil like coconut to help reduce your cholesterol levels.

Making your favourite naughty meals healthy might not be so tricky after all, there are loads of tricks and tips for reducing the fat and calories, whilst still being able to enjoy your food.

There are so many switches and swaps you can make to create healthier versions of your classic comfort foods. Making simple changes to your usual junk food items can keep you feeling light on your feet, whilst still feeling like a treat when you eat.

What are your food swap tips and tricks to make your favourite food healthy? Let us know! 

Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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1 Comment

  1. 3rd April 2019 / 5:24 am

    I love to cook and prepping my own meal. I always see to it to have something healthy for the whole day. Thanks for the tips here.

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