Tea glorious tea I cannot live without thee. Yes folks tea is the name of the game today and is courtesy of We Are Tea. Those long standing readers may remember that I adored We Are Tea’s English Breakfast and Peppermint Leaf which was my first sniff of what they had on offer.
A few weeks back the lovely Stefanie from We Are Tea asked if I wanted to give more of their teas a try, and I jumped at the chance. Not knowing what was going to arrive I was giddy with excitement when this huge box turned up on my doorstep. Inside revealed We Are Tea Super Berry*, Protect*, Glow*, Soothe* and Alert*.
With both loose leaf and tea bags to choose from, the extent of flavour combinations is a tea lovers dream and for those who haven’t a clue, the Tea Consultation is for you. Prices start from a respectable £2.99 and are available online as well as a limited range at Sainsburys, Ocado and Waitrose. You don’t just have to drink it fresh from a cup, oh no, their website has an array of recipes from cakes, to overnight oats, to smoothies and Gin iced teas, the world is your teabag.
From Left: We Are Tea Alert £3.49, We Are Tea Super Berry £2.99, We Are Tea Protect £3.49
For those in need of a boost We Are Tea Alert maybe the one you need. Designed to give you a natural boost with their use of rosemary, lemon balm, vervain and ginkgo, this one reminded me of a slightly minty English Breakfast tea without the bitterness. There was a lightness and subtle herbal tang to this tea which makes it perfect for anytime of day.
Berrylicious is how I would describe this in both it’s aroma and taste. Super Berry is the type of tea you want to leave to steep for as long as possible to get the full fruity flavour. It was refreshing, deliciously sweet and reminds me of having hot squash as a kiddie.
With echinacea, elderflower and rosehips to name a few, Protect Tea is here to keep your body feeling strong and fighting fit. I was most looking forward to this one, and pleasant it was, however it had a strong herbal flavour that was increasingly overpowering, and if you are just starting out on the herbal tea journey this would not be the best one to start with.
From Left: We Are Tea Soothe £3.49, We Are Tea Glow £3.49
Designed to make our tummy’s happy, I can’t lie I was prepared to not at all like Soothe on the simple premise that it has ginger in, however my fears diminished as soon as I took a sip. The fennel gave a slight aniseed flavour that finished with a fresh minty feeling on the tongue at the end of every sip. Mint, ginger and fennel make a wonderful combination and it was a surprisingly delicate tea for what in essence are some bold flavours. As for soothing our digestion it certainly helped mine after one sizeable roast dinner and was far more effective than just my usual peppermint tea!!
That all important glowing skin is what we all want to have, and the Glow Tea is giving us a leg up on achieving that radiance with its skin boosting and clearing ingredients. The longer you steep this bag full of nettle, echinacea, dandelion, petals and calendula, the more floral perfumed smelling it became and thankfully the taste was not as intense as the smell. Surprisingly this was the sweetest of all on offer today.
Once again I am loving We Are Tea. I have never really adventured outside of the traditional breakfast and peppermint tea, however I am super impressed with these. Although it has confirmed the more floral, perfumed teas are not for me, their Alert, Super Berry and Soothe were my favourite and the ones I would happily buy again. With our ever increasingly busy and hectic lifestyles sometimes we need a natural boost or a little help in the right direction, and We Are Tea have certainly got us covered. So grab a cuppa and take even just a couple of minutes to yourself.
Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x
* A big thank you to We Are Tea for sending me these teas to try.
ohh I have tried a few of these and they are delicious – lovely review and fantastic pictures!