Birds Eye Classic Pancakes

Birds Eye Classic Pancakes

Pancakes have just got easier with the new Birds Eye Pancake range. Yes that’s right the already simple fluffy delight has had its time cut in half and Birds Eye have two varieties on offer, Birds Eye Classic Pancakes and Chocolate Chip Pancakes. 

There are 6 in a box packaged 3 a piece, why they decided this I do not know, and are free from nasty colours, preservatives and flavours. A box will cost you £1.80 which isn’t too shabby to be fair, and even better I have seen them on offer for a £1 in a number of supermarkets.

Birds Eye Classic PancakeGolden and crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside, our pancakes are delicious with fruit, honey, maple syrup, jams, chocolate spreads

For best results toast from frozen, so with a little apprehension toast I did. For those who do not wish to toast, don’t own a toaster or heck want to cut down even more time fear not these can also be microwaved for a minute. It does suggest it will take a couple of toaster cycles until golden brown, so be eagle eyed not to burn them. 

Birds Eye PancakesVoilà. The pancakes were pretty thick and fluffy, I was surprised by how fresh and fluffy tasting they were. I cannot help but wish they were a little thicker so they are more like American style pancakes rather than being more like a Scotch Pancake. Size wise they aren’t too bad, stack em high and you’ve got yourself a decent sized brekkie. The benefits of using the toaster was it gave it that crisp outer crust whilst leaving the inside light and airy. They were a little on the sweet side especially for a classic pancake and on their own they aren’t all that flavoursome. That said these do in turn make a grand old blank canvas to add whatever topping you want with it. 

I can’t help but like these Birds Eye Classic Pancakes. They are a little too sweet for my liking but they are easy to pop in the toaster, they’re great for convenience and remembering they are frozen, they are a decent pancake. I am looking forward to trying the Chocolate Chip Version so keep your eyes on the blog for that one. 

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x


Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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  1. Toasty Tom
    30th May 2016 / 3:12 pm

    Who doesn’t own a toaster.. This unnerves me majorly haha xx

    • Nibbles 'n' Scribbles
      30th May 2016 / 3:12 pm

      Haha I did think that as I wrote it but then you never know, stranger things have happened!! xxx

      • Microwave Man
        30th May 2016 / 5:07 pm

        Someone tried to tell me that microwaves were pointless once. I almost decked them. They were my teacher. Hahaha! Xx

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