Quality Street Gingerbread Matchmakers

Gingerbread Matchmakers

Normally I am very anti Christmas foods being sold when it is still hot and 4 months till the big day. That being said I have said it before and I will say it again, I do break this rule when it comes to gingerbread, because frankly gingerbread is great all year round. If you haven’t seen these already then gingerbread lovers these new Quality Street Gingerbread Matchmakers will peak your interest. 

Limited edition and currently only available in Tesco, I made it my mission to find these and thankfully I did not have to look too far. With it’s red box and little gingerbread men tumbling across it, there’s no denying the festivities have landed. Each box is £2.00 however I am sure that these will inevitably be on offer soon. 

Quality Street Matchmakers GingerbreadGingerbread flavour chocolates with skimmed milk chocolate, dark chocolate and boiled sugar pieces 

I hadn’t a clue what to expect, half of me was thinking what the heck are Nestle thinking, the other half of me was thinking god I hope these are as amazing as I have imagined. Pushing the tray out, the nobble-bobbly sticks were in abundance and the familiar gingerbread smell became apparent. 

Quality Street Gingerbread MatchmakersPer 4 sticks: 71 kcal, 1.8g sat fat, 9.3g sugar, 0.5g protein

Whether you are a snap and bite or a nibbler these Gingerbread Matchmakers shouldn’t work but they do. The dark chocolate is definitely the right choice for me giving a slight bitterness, which made way to the subtle spices of gingerbread and a little lingering of warmth. The sugar pieces naturally give a crunchy sweetness to it, but it wouldn’t be a Matchmaker without these!

Despite being pretty different to the traditional Mint and Orange Matchmakers, I like these Gingerbread Matchmakers and love that they have gone for something unexpected this year. Personally I would like to have had more in the way of gingerbread flavouring but at least you can actually taste ginger in these. I do however have the same problem as I do with all Matchmakers, they’re moreish and I find myself eating one after the other after the other, and here is no exception. Whilst I wouldn’t eat these all the time, it is a good start to the new festive foods that are coming our way.

Are you going to give the new Gingerbread Matchmaker a try? What are your thoughts?

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x


Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

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