Pip & Nut Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter

Pip & Nut Peanut Butter

We haven’t had a Peanut Butter review in a while so that is what’s on the cards today! It is fair to say that I caved and bought the new Pip & Nut Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter. I wasn’t going to because frankly I wasn’t impressed with their standard peanut butter, but alas the addition of maple syrup and crunchy pieces enticed me. 

Since their debut Pip & Nut have added quite the array to their nut butter selection and this Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter is their newest Limited Edition number. With absolutely no palm oil or refined sugar it is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. 

Pip & Nut Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter

As with all peanut butters that has no palm oil separation is expected, and upon opening you are required to give it a good old stir. Lesson number one: before stirring pour away some, but not all of the oil. Why? Well Pip & Nut is incredibly runny or watery one might say, so less oil = less chance of it running off your foodie item!

The best way to eat peanut butter is straight out the jar. Despite the chunks of peanuts that were visible it didn’t have that nutty crunch that I was expecting. What was apparent was the incredible sweetness. Now obviously I expected some sweetness give the addition of a little Canadian Maple Syrup, however o’natural it was sweetness overload. Basing my thoughts solely out the jar maybe a little unfair so onto a crumpet it went. 

Pip & Nut Limited Edition Maple Peanut Butter

The consistency was a little looser, had I not poured some of the oil away it would have been far more watery. Topping it onto a savoury counterpart did detract a little from the sweetness however it was still the dominant flavour. The peanut butter element did get quite lost and the peanut pieces didn’t bring all the much to the table.

Alas I should have known better. Pip & Nut Crunchy Maple Peanut Butter you are not for me. It doesn’t have that signature peanut butter flavouring or thickness, and is overpowered by far too much sweetness. This may work more in the favour of adding it to your baking but this won’t be my toast, crumpet or sandwich topper. 

I’d love to know your thoughts on Pip & Nut and whether I am the only one who just doesn’t get on with it. 

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x



Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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  1. 16th August 2016 / 4:55 pm

    this is one of my favourite peanut butters (maple version not regular) love the way its a natural peanut butter with salt! and not the dirt tasting bland meridian…

    • Nibbles 'n' Scribbles
      17th August 2016 / 4:59 pm

      Interesting. Yes I am all for natural peanut butter The Peanut Butter Co remains to be my favourite.

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