Breakfast by Bella Peanut Butter Me Up

Breakfast by Bella Peanut Butter Me Up Granola

To say I have been eyeing this granola up for a while would be an understatement. Breakfast by Bella is one of those foodie brands that I unknowingly stumbled across on Instagram and have been hooked on trying some ever since. You can buy online however thankfully patience was in my favour as they were at a local farmers market this month and needless to say I hot footed it down there. 

In three simple flavours  – Peanut Butter Me Up, Nutty Nosh and Cacoa Crazy they are all free from refined sugar, are gluten free and contain organic ingredients without a artificial preservative or colouring insight. My love for peanut butter will never fade and although both of the others are enticing, there was only one winning choice for me.

Vegan’s rejoice because you too can enjoy a bowl of this granola. I love reading an ingredients list where it contains literally 4 ingredients. YES 4. It just goes to show how much crap they put in supermarket ones. First and foremost these are not cheap. Depending on which flavour you choose will dictate how much you pay. Peanut Butter Me Up is the cheapest of the three and ranges from £3.95 for 250g to £12.50 for 1000g. I am aware that a lot more woman power goes into baking these and this is a premium to spend on a relatively small bag of granola, and for me £3.95 would be my top price to pay.

Peanut Butter Me Up Breakfast by Bella Granola.jpgPeanut Butter Me Up Granola. Bowl – Le Creuset Flint

Pouring a big bowl of granola the smell of peanut butter wafted around. Mostly individual flakes, there were a few clumped together chunks of granola mixed around the whole skinned peanuts. As versatile as granola is I opted for milk and boy did this make the milk go peanut buttery too. In a nutshell this granola was scrummy. A delicious smooth and butter peanut butter flavouring that had just the right balance of sweet and savoury. The flavour was consistent, I liked the crunch from the peanuts every now and then and the bake of the granola was spot on.

Breakfast by Bella you can Peanut Butter Me Up any day of the week. Delicious flavouring, natural and good for you, I can’t think of a better way to start the day. The difficulty however is trying not to eat it straight out of the bag, as this too is just as glorious.

Have you tried Breakfast by Bella? What’s your favourite cereal or granola? 

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x



Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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