V Gallery Marshmallow Vodka

Flavoured alcohol is certainly growing with combinations and flavours you never would have thought would be on the shelves. Today’s review is a little out there for Vodka with V Gallery Marshmallow Vodka! Now you always see your fruity vodka’s but marshmallow vodka is a brand new one for me as is V Gallery, and being a marshmallow lover I was very excited to give it a whirl.  So who are V Gallery Vodka? Well their aim is to combine Italian style with UK innovation in a new and exciting range of award-winning flavoured vodka spirits. They use the smoothest 5…

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Mcvitie’s Hobnob Teacakes

It’s all about the chocolate teacake today and not just any old teacake I will have you know but Mcvitie’s Hobnob Teacakes! Hobnobs in teacake form yes siry bob you read that correct. Mcvitie’s have bought out these new milk chocolate teacakes and I for one being a major Hobnob fan, am mighty excited.  For an introductory offer of £1.00 in Sainsbury’s that really isn’t bad for 8 chocolatey teacakes. Inside the packet we have the usual black tray saga with the teacakes plopped in each segment. What is a change is the outer packaging is a thicker plastic which benefits…

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Marks & Spencer Chocolate Fudge Whips

Friday I teased that another Whip addition would grace the blog following my review of Marks & Spencer Salted Caramel Whips, well today is another new addition to the Whip family with the Marks & Spencer Chocolate Fudge Whips. I am quite surprised that Marks & Spencer have seemingly released new twists on the Walnut Whip and not really shouted from the rooftops about this, and nor am I sure if these are Limited Edition or permanent fixtures. That being said let’s get tasting.  Again we have a wibbly wobble shaped whip and as you can see the layers were far more distinct and the marshmallow…

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Marks & Spencer Salted Caramel Whips

I first spied that Marks & Spencer Salted Caramel Whips were a reality when the King of snack finding Kevvie Kev over at Kev’s Snack Reviews reviewed them way back when. From that day on I was one eager beaver to find these and finally managed to get my hands on some. So lets whip on into the weekend with these Salted Caramel Whips.  Milk chocolate filled with soft mallow and salted caramel, with dark chocolate, butterscotch and a caramel white chocolate hazelnut Breaking all shape barriers, gone are the smooth rounded shape you find with the classic Walnut Whip, here…

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Cadbury Chocolate Fish

Ocado has some delights on their site that somehow manage to get added to my basket, I literally have no idea how this happens …… Last week I spied a Cadbury import in the name of Cadbury Chocolate Fish. This little number is from New Zealand and was a mere 70p, the cheapest I have ever seen an import for.  In a nutshell this 20g Cadbury number is a Chocolate covered marshmallow fish. Simple! The chocolate had its usual Cadbury aroma and cutting in it was incredibly sticky. Most surprising however was the bright pink marshmallow inside. The picture really does…

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