Flare Cocktails

Flare Cocktails

Is everyone else in the same boat as me and think Cocktails seem to have a never ending ingredient list with ingredients that you can’t even say let alone find in the shops? Don’t get me wrong I do love a cocktail, Cosmopolitan FYI, well nowadays you and I don’t need to worry about the faff because cocktails in a can is a thing. Today’s review is in homage of the cocktail in a can with Flare Cocktails.

Flare Cocktails contacted me and asked if I would like to sample their range…. yes please! Flare Cocktails currently come in 3 varieties – Cosmo, Mojito and On The Beach, retail at £1.00 each, are 4% vol and are stocked in independent retailers. 


Mojito is not a cocktail I ever choose, there is just something toothpastey about it. Naturally this is the one I opted for first to get it out the way. Pleasantly surprised there was a fresh kick of mint that was both pleasing to the palette as well as not being too overpowering. With a little fizz and a hint of lime that gave it a little sourness, I thoroughly enjoyed this Mojito drink.


Flare Cosmo CocktailMy absolute favourite cocktail ever! I have had my fair share of Cosmo’s and know what a spot on one tastes like. I’ve high expectations, well the ladies of Sex and the City did so why can’t I!? Again the Flare Cosmo had a nice little fizz, you can just about see the bubbles in the glass, and was a beautiful pinky red colour. First sip and all I could taste was orange. A lot of it. The can said with orange flavours but I couldn’t distinguish any other flavour at all. There wasn’t that tartness from the cranberry or slightly sourness from the lime, it was just sweet orange. Sorry Ladies and Gents this is not a Cosmo in my eyes. 

On The Beach*:

Peachy in both colour and taste this was delightfully fruity. It seemed slightly more fizzy than the other two which I didn’t mind at all. The peach Schnapps was defiantly evident and was the first of the three Flare Cocktails that taste like it has some alcohol in. A nice little refreshing can indeed and one I’d have again. 

There we have the Flare ready made cocktail cans. I like the premise of cocktail in a can and for £1 each they are quite the bargain, especially when you compare to others in the supermarket. An easy peasy cocktail, I would certainly steer clear of the Cosmo, but the Mojito and On the Beach are rather delightful.

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x

*A big thank you to Flare Cocktails for sending me these to try. 

Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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1 Comment

  1. RBF
    19th July 2016 / 4:59 pm

    I’m dubious about things in cans since some horrific Pimms which tasted uncanny to Cavonia.. It was grim haha! Perhaps a Cocktail would suit me more! xx

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