Skittles Dips Yoghurt Coated Sweets

Skittles Dips Yoghurt Coated Sweets

A little while back Skittles had a makeover. Enter Skittles Dips Yoghurt Coated sweeties. It certainly isn’t something that you would naturally put together, but somehow Skittles dreamt it and made it happen. Why? Who knows. Maybe they were munching on a yogurt coated cranberry and thought you know what Skittles would be great with some yoghurt! 

As you can see it is a bit of a pick ‘n’ mix situation, as this thick coating is concealing the colour underneath. These are another Poundland find but they can also be found at Asda and Tesco. Sadly I’ve not seen these online so if you want to give them ago then in store it may have to be. 

New Skittles Dips Yoghurt CoatedPer Serving: 172 kcal, 5.8g sat fat, 26.8g sugar, 0.5g protein 

The purple and green are quite easy to spot underneath the coating, but the other two are less obvious. As you can see from the above the pack was lacking in red. The coating was far thicker than I imagined it would be, but the sweetness was as expected. Although fruity as plain Skittles, none of the flavours paired well with the yoghurt. The purple and orange were far sicklier than the others, and on the whole were pretty meh. Personally I cannot see these replacing or being in addition to my usual sweetie pot. 

I am just not onboard with these Skittles Dips Yoghurt Coated sweets at all. I can’t understand the pairing, it’s like chocolate covered raisins. There are certainly some people loving these, they’re just not for me. 

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x

Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

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