Hobnobs Peanut Butter Fudge Flapjacks

New on the flapjack snack front are these McVitie’s Hobnobs Peanut Butter Fudge Flapjacks. Individually wrapped these promise to be bursting with oats, which is good when it comes to a flapjack. Hobnobs are my favourite biccie so pairing it with peanut butter, well the expectations are darn high!  Part of a trio of new additions to the McVitie’s cake block, the Hobnobs Peanut Butter Fudge Flapjacks sit alongside the Moments White Choc & Raspberry Crunch and Club Honeycomb Cake Crunchies. Coming with 5 snack sized flapjacks these are available in most supermarkets. I purchased these from Ocado for a solid £1.00,…

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Christmas: Graze Mince Pie Flapjack

I have always said that I wish Graze wasn’t just confined to the postie packages. Our prayers were answered as a selection of Graze products can now be found in pretty much every supermarket and varying foodie shops. Aside from Belgian Speculoos which is my all time favourite, the flapjacks are one of their tastiest offerings, (FYI I am still mourning the loss of the breads all those years ago). Today’s review is as festive as can be with the Graze Mince Pie Flapjack. Being sold separately it gives way to a far more festive outer packaging which I love! Inside…

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Betty Bakes Marathon Flapjack

Ever since the Cupcake Snack Warrior over at Reaching for Refreshment and Kevvie Kev over at Kev’s Snack Reviews have raved about Betty Bakes being as scrummy as they look, I have been on the lookout to try some. Low and behold on one of my numerous trips to Longacres Garden Centre I spied a lonely slightly cracked looking Betty Bakes bar in a basket, and lady luck must have been on my side because it was Betty Bakes Marathon Flapjack, which has, yes you guessed it Peanut Butter!!  Free from additives and nasties, made using all natural ingredients including…

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Rendles Bakewell Flapjack

The humble flapjack, so underrated yet so delicious. There are a million different ways, okay maybe not a million but close enough to enjoy a flapjack, for the oaty buttery rectangle is a blank canvas for so many different flavours to experiment with, and today’s is the Rendles Bakewell Flapjack.  I take no credit for finding these because it was none other than my little cupcake twin over at Reaching for Refreshment, who found these on her holibobs. Being the kind soul she is and the fact we are mildly obsessed with Bakewell, she sent some over and has continued to…

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