I heart Lindt and in particular Lindt Lindor Truffles! On the rare occasion that we toddle off to Gunwharf Quays we end up spending far too much in the Lindt shop. We are literally like small children in a sweet shop. When I found out that across the pond had a Lindt Lindor Peanut Butter Truffle I made it my mission to find these. It took a while, but low and behold I have and couldn’t be more excited about today’s review.
I bought these Lindt Lindor Peanut Butter Truffles from Candy Hero for 50p each. An expensive way of buying, but what’s a girl to do when you are desperate to try them and have no other means! Let’s get tasting.
Peanut butter milk chocolate truffles
I was a little suspect to start as there wasn’t even a whiff of a peanut butter smell. Perfectly rounded the truffle had its usual generous filling that was encased by a relatively thick milk chocolate shell. Diving right in the milk chocolate was its usual creamy, silky, indulgent self that melted in the mouth. The peanut butter centre was gloriously smooth and had a creamy nuttiness to it. The peanut butter flavour came through more and more as the truffle melted and was almost like eating a spoonful of peanut butter straight out of the jar. It’s sweet and indulgent which makes one enough to satisfy the sweet tooth, any more and I think it would be overkill.
Peanut Butter lovers rejoice Lindt Lindor Peanut Butter Truffles are a thing of beauty. Lindt have taken their delicious milky chocolate and married it to creamy peanut butter, to make it one scrummy truffle! Now all we need is for these to be sold in the UK, and perhaps a Lindt Excellence Peanut Butter Bar to go with it!
Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x
Why did u discontinue them !!! Those where my favorite and they were the best ones I donβt buy them anymore without getting those!!!!
Me either, I only just discovered them and then they discontinued them!!
Please bring back your peanut butter truffles.
Considering these truffles have already been discontinued I hope you didn’t eat them all.
No, they are being kept for years and years until they go mouldy.. Perhaps one would be sent to you when the time comes. Wouldn’t want you missing out. π xx
I still have a couple left and thankfully the place I got them from still has them so I shall be stocking up on a few more.
I picked up these from a Lindt Pick and Mix shop (which I now can’t remember where I was at the time). So good. So expensive!
Ahhh lucky! Those Pick and Mix shops are dangerous for the purse π shame they have discontinued them. xx
That’s some cross section!!
Haha! Quite something wasn’t it! xxx