Proper Nutty Smunchy Peanut Butter

Proper Nutty Smunchy

We are going back to peanut butter basics today. Put aside the flavoured peanut butter items for today because we have it in it’s simplest form, good old fashion natural peanut butter from Proper Nutty

I came across Proper Nutty on Twitter a while back and whilst perusing Country Market I was most surprised to see it sitting on the shelves. Made in Dewsbury this little team slow roast peanuts in small batches, grind them to the perfect texture, either add a pinch of salt or leave it be, and voilà Yorkshire’s only artisan peanut butter. 

Anything named smunchy has both my attention and a few giggles too. Now are you Team Crunchy or Team Smooth when it comes to peanut butter? For those who can’t quite decide or cheer for both teams, you need smunchy in your life. With both plain and simple or lightly salted on offer from Proper Nutty for £3.75 a pop I opted for the lightly salted as I feel this brings the flavour out in the peanuts. 

Proper Nutty Smunchy Peanut ButterPure peanuts…with a touch of sea salt. 99.5% Peanuts, 0.5% Sea Salt and that’s it

As with all natural peanut butters you may find some of the oil having risen to the top. If that’s the case give it a good old stir and you’re good to go. I love both smooth and crunchy albeit smooth will always pip it to the post. Thick, smooth and with little pieces of tiny peanuts to give it both texture and an extra hit of peanuttyness, here you have the best of both worlds. It is as the name suggests proper nutty and has a little sweetness to it which must come from the roasted peanuts. Bake with it, spread it on toast, crumpets or whatever you like, heck eat it straight out the jar, this is darn delicious and there isn’t much else to say other than that. 

Natural peanut butter are the only way to go. You can have all the fancy peanut butter flavours and concoctions in the world, but plain and simple will always be the best, and Proper Nutty Smunchy has captured my heart. Long live the Smunchy!

Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles x

Nibbles 'n' Scribbles

Thirty something blogging since 2014. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please feel free to leave a comment below, I love hearing from you all.

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1 Comment

  1. Cupcake
    16th May 2017 / 8:33 pm

    Smunchy!! I love that word! Xx

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