Alternative Christmas Crackers 2016

With 10 days’ to go who is getting excited? The novelty Christmas cracker with the paper hat, the joke that it so silly it tickles you for hours, and not forgetting the who can get the most bizarre present inside, is a Christmas must have. However that is not to say that we cannot be a little indulgent and have an alternative Christmas crackers.  Over the last couple of years the array of alternative crackers out there has grown to a level where there is something for everyone, even your furry pets. I for one usually opt for a foodie…

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Christmas Goodies Gift Guide 2016

I heart Christmas. I get excited about it pretty early on and I love nothing more than perusing all things christmassy, putting up the tree, wrapping and giving presents, and of course consuming all the food. Christmas is fast approaching, the catalogues are here and the ideas are flowing of what to get people. There is so much out there, today’s post is a little gift guide on a few food and drink goodies that have caught my eye. Joe & Sephs Popcorn Tube, Hotel Chocolat Gingerbread Spread, Biscuiteers The Snowman & The Snow Dog Biscuit Tin, Marvling Bros Dinner in a…

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FriendsFest: The One With The Ultimate Friends Celebration

Fact: I am Friends obsessed and will forever watch the re-reuns over and over, and laugh at the same bits over and over! For those avid Friends fanatics you will have seen FriendsFest is back. If like me you weren’t lucky enough to get tickets to the super exclusive event last year which sold out in 13 minutes, this year they have decided to take Friends on a 6 week road trip around the UK. This time around lady luck was on my side, and last week it was finally time to get my FriendsFest on.  I cannot deny I was so excited…

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Graduation: Reflecting 4 Years On

This week marked 4 years since Graduation. 4 YEARS! Half of me thinks how the heck has it gone so fast but the other half feels it was a lifetime ago. A lot has changed since my uni days, not that I was a party animal uni student or anything but it seems like a different world to where I am now. Question. What did you say when you were asked the obligatory question – What do you want to do with your life? As if your answer is something set in stone… My answer – *eye roll* lady of leisure! Haha only joking,…

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Goodbye 2015.. Hello New Year

Can you believe it is the last day of 2015? At the beginning of every year it feels like a hell of a long time till December, yet here we are on the 31st December in disbelief that tomorrow will bring a new year.  What was 2015 for me? Well I met some amazing and fabulous bloggers, you know who you are :), I went to my first blogging event solo, Nibbles ‘n’ Scribbles had its first birthday, my blogging hat is pretty much permanently on given I cannot go into a supermarket or eat out without seeking to review (I’m not…

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